What do we want? Know God personally as Savior, Grow in the image of Christ, Discover and use spiritual gifts, Love and serve others, Reflect the beauty of the Lord.

Women's Ministry
The women's ministry promotes that each woman grow in an intimate relationship with God and in having good stewardship in the home, in such a way that we can glorify the Lord. If you are a woman, it does not matter if you are married, single, divorced, single mother, widow, come and enjoy a very special time.

Men's Ministry
The men's ministry of our Woodbridge Hispanic Church promotes that each man grow in an intimate relationship with God and that each man be an example that reflects the image of Christ in his life, family and community. Whether you are married, single, a parent, or widowed, we invite you to grow in the Lord.


Youth & Teen Ministry
The youth ministry ministers to teens and young adults in the town of Woodbridge, Vaughan. Youth receive spiritual nourishment through the Word of God and by living a life of witness. We promote the development of talents together with the fruits of the Spirit.
Youth United Woodbridge | Summer Night of Worship:
Alive Through Christ | Romans 6:10-11 (NLT) | Pastor Juan Carlos Espino | June 17, 2023.

Children's Ministry
The children of our Woodbridge Hispanic Church are training through the weekly memorization of a biblical text and the instruction of biblical teachings. We promote a family atmosphere based on living with the principles of the Kingdom of Christ. Bring your children and here we will help you grow in the knowledge of God.
Sundays: Boys and girls from 4 to 8 years old Time: 11:00 am
Wednesday: Boys and girls from 9 to 12 years old Time: 7:30 pm

Ministry of Counseling
This ministry works through the Manantial Neighborhood Services Inc. community center, which is our field of action at the service of the needy.
The pastors of the Church are trained to give counseling, not only in the spiritual order, but also, a holistic counseling, so that both the individual and the family receive biblical advice and guidance that promotes respect and dignity. between members of the household, based on Christian values and principles, so that the relationship between husband and wife and children and parents is restored.

Community Prayer
Praying for a Dream
Friday 5:00 AM
905 851 6797
Ministry of Intercession
If you are in need, we invite you to connect with our Redeemer and Savior. We will accompany you to intercede, no matter the problem or the circumstance in which you find yourself and where you are. Go to your Creator. Pray for a dream: God is aware of your requests and desires. He listens to the voice of your cry and will answer you according to his purposes.
"Praying at all times with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and being vigilant thereto with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints;" Ephesians 6:18